Yes, the move to China is still a go...36 days and counting! The house is still for sale. I say that like it's been on the market for years instead of a few weeks. After many hours, blisters and sunburns we've decided to take down the "beloved" pool and give it to Larry's daughter, Nicole. She and her husband, Kenneth, have a great big yard in the country and will thoroughly enjoy it.
Katie is really doing well this summer in Girls' Golf. She's placed each week either first, second or third; and is the overall points leader at this point. Yesterday, along with two other girls, she was invited to play with the high school girls this morning. Don't have the results of that yet, but I'm sure I'll hear all about it this afternoon. Her coaches have commented on how sad they are to see her leave and the great potential she has. We have assured them her new school has a golf program, but we will certainly miss the program here.
All three girls are enjoying their last week at the YMCA summer camp. They swim everyday and have gotten a good work out as they stay outdoors ALL day. Needless to say, when bedtime comes around I get very little argument. A couple of weeks ago they had their first overnight camp out. I fully expected to get a call around midnight asking to come get them, but was pleasantly suprised to hear they loved it and want to camp out again. They did, however, come home that morning and take a five hour nap.
Larry had knee surgery, his last arthroscopic surgery, he was told. There's really nothing left in there to fix. The next step will be a knee replacement, but we're going to do our best to make this fix last a few years. My mom and her sister both have had knee replacements...that doesn't bode well for me. I guess we'll see what Eastern medicine can do for us.
Every so often it hits me that we are really leaving the country in a month. Leaving the only town Larry has ever lived in. I asked him the other night how he was feeling since he's been pretty stoic. He said that since this all started everything about it has felt right to him. We've always been ones to take that road less travelled, but I do believe this road will lead us to even greater adventures.