The end of term is this week. Hard to believe we've already been here long enough for the girls
to be finishing their first term of school. It's been a trying time, but the holidays are upon us and my parents will be arriving in less than two weeks.

We were treated to several performances this weekend. Each one of the girls was involved in an extracurricular activity, which culminated in a display of their hard work. Friday, Sarah's dance class performed during the general school assembly. So cute, she really is a ballerina. Not sure
where she inherited her gracefulness as her dad and I aren't known for that particular attribute. Larry and I sat there smirking through the other class's routines. Once again, I was reminded of what my parents must have gone through. Those endless recitals where I thought our class was flawless, but were probably as filled with mistakes and wrong turns as these groups were. Still, our pride was plentiful and Sarah looked and danced like an angel.

Saturday proved to be trickier than anticipated. Both Sydney and Katie had their respective
performances. Unfortunately, Sydney's Tae Kwon Do exam/presentation was almost at the same time as Katie's choir performance, which took place on the other side of town. Not a big deal if we were in Seneca as 'across town' is like a 5 minute drive. Here, 'across town' can be an hour away. We all were able to watch Sydney kick the crud out of a punching bag and show off some cool moves, but Katie and I had to leave in order to make it to her locale in time to sing. I did not get to see Sydney break a board in two pieces and move up to the next belt level. I told you she was the enforcer of the family.

Katie made it to the Sheraton in the nick of time. The Expat Association of Suzhou held a kids' Christmas party and it was the largest gathering of 'westerners' I'd seen since arriving to China. Cindy and I had gone to the Newcomers coffee earlier in the week and bought tickets for this extravaganza then. Not sure if this Expat group is for me. I'm still trying to adjust to not working and I don't think I'll last as one of the unemployed. This group seems to relish in their socializing. Another blog for another day.
I managed to locate a vacant table and tried to secure nine seats for our family and Cindy's.
Katie and the choir soon appeared and I jumped up to get close enough to snap a few pictures. The choir did a great job and looked really cute in their scarves and santa hats. Larry and the twins were able to see/hear the last song while waiting in line to get in. The place was packed, but fairly well organized. The girls got to put their order in with Santa and made some artsy craftsy things before we called it a day. This week, there are more performances and parties. I'm pretty sure they will get to go to more parties than Larry and me. Oh well.

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