Saturday, July 10, 2010


If you're reading this in hopes of a cheap thrill you will be sorely disappointed. Perhaps it is wrong of me to title this in such a way as to mislead, but it is accurate. For the past nine years, I have been a bedhopper. Sometimes, I sleep in as many as four beds a night. Yes, it is exhausting and many a morning I wake up wondering in who's bed I've been. Thankfully, I have a very understanding and forgiving husband. He knows no matter how many different beds I sleep in I'd rather be with him.

Now, I've gotten my parents involved. After forty seven years of marriage, they are now bedhoppers. Sick, you're thinking. Even more so since there are children involved. Ok, enough is enough.
As much as it may come as a surprise to some, my children are spoiled in every conceivable way. Since birth, they've been coddled to the point where they will not sleep by themselves unless bribed, coerced or drained of all energy. Nightly bedtime battles to change this routine have ended in tears and frustration. I remind myself and Larry that they will not be little forever and eventually they'll grow out of this stage. Nine years and counting. Deep in my soul I know they can sleep by themselves, but the effort outweighs the reward. With Larry away so much, my need for a bed partner has squelched my plan for cutting the apron strings. Often times, all four of us sleep in Katie's bed and even though I complain in the morning about being squished in between a kicker and a slapper, I wouldn't change a thing. Rosie, the kitten, even manages to find some room under the covers.

Since our arrival in the States, my parents have joined in the nightly rotation. Two weeks in and we've kind of settled in to a schedule. An adult in each room lessens the likelihood of cries in night and the need to switch beds. Next week, we're headed to the upstate and will be staying with friends. They are newlyweds with kids planned for the distant future so I'm not so sure they're ready to join the musical beds game, but who knows. They may wake up one morning with Sarah snuggled against them.

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