Monday, February 28, 2011

And She's Off

3:30 came quickly this morning. I was expecting a grumble from under the covers when I woke Katie, but she was out of bed before I was out of the shower.
Plans for this trip have been in the works for a couple of months. When Katie brought the information home regarding the FOBISSEA Performing Arts Carnival in Malaysia, I remember smirking. Sure, what parents in their right minds are going to let their ten year old go to Malaysia?
The more we learned about the trip and the fact these students were selected made us reconsider. What a huge, fantastical opportunity. Five days in Penang, Malaysia meeting students from sixteen other schools from across Asia. And, she'll be singing. Dulwich's newsletter has a little blurb about the trip,
Last night, there were a few tears, and again, this morning when she and I headed to meet the bus at a neighboring compound. My resolve to not cry until she was safely out of sight almost cracked as she boarded the bus. Thankfully, it was still dark when they closed the doors and headed down the road to the airport.
So , it's now 9:00am and they are probably getting ready to board in the next few minutes. She's already called twice from the bus and Skyped once from the airport. Part of me wants her to check in as often as she can, while the other part hopes she's so busy enjoying this amazing adventure she forgets all about us.

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