Whenever we'd eat at Casa Zoe, one of the girls' favorite restaurants, I'd covet the beautiful
dishes. I examined the make of them, only to discover an
American brand name stamped on the bottom. I asked one of the waitresses if she knew where they'd bought their dishes. Her response, "Yixing".
Yixing, a city located about two hours northwest of Suzhou, is known for pottery and ceramics. It's known simply by expats as Pottery Town. The expat group went there just before I became involved, but I'd heard several members mention they'd found some pretty pieces. 
The only dishes we brought with us from the US were my Lenox 'fancy' china. I sold almost all of the white Pfaltzgraf we received when we got married except for some large bowls and platters. I was determined to find a new set and not a white one. For an entire year, I would say I wanted to go, but could never seem to plan a trip. Well, 2011 is the year of "now's the time". First mission accomplished by getting Larry to the tailor. Now for the dishes.
I mentioned to my friend, Shannon, about going and she said she wanted to come as did a couple of other ladies. We picked a day and by gum, we went. Thankfully, one of the ladies is Chinese or the day would have been more of an adventure than it was.
We had no idea where in the city we were going, and we didn't realize the city was so large. After a half hour of asking (well, not me asking...Mr. Liu and Rachel), we made it to Pottery Town. Funny, though, as we neared, the signs read 'Ceramics City'. Hundreds of stores, street after street, awaited us. We split up to cover a wider area. Every store we went into sold teapots and I'm pretty sure most of the shop owners either made the pots or was related to the person who
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