For several months Katie had been hinting about what she wanted to do for her birthday. Well, maybe not hinting as a brick through a window would have been more subtle. Foolishly, I'd mentioned a mani-pedi or spa-themed party. She latched onto that idea like a dog to a bone and her list of invitees grew by the day. Uh-oh, this could get pricey. 
I scouted a few of the spas and decided on one. After telling the young woman what I wanted, she suggested she could come to the house and do the manicures and pedicures there...for the same price. What?!? In house mani-pedis? What is this, Beverly Hills? However, she didn't offer facials. A few minutes on the internet and that problem was soon solved.After preparing two homemade facial scrubs; one with bananas and coarse brown sugar, the other with oatmeal and honey, Mr. Liu and I picked up a gaggle of girls from school Friday evening.
They were hyped up. With boys from their class in our neighborhood, they were immediately out the door and on the chase. Only the smell of grilled food and the arrival of our 'nail technician' brought them back. They chowed down like only girls with high metabolisms can, taking turns at the mani-pedi table. The young lady doing the nails worked steadily for over three hours straight, completing ten sets of fingernails and toenails (Sarah and Syd got in on the fun) for less than the price of one in the US.
The family room turned into the facial lounge with yours truly
applying the scrubs. One of the girls, who chose the banana blend, laid on the couch scooping globs off her face and eating it. A couple of them ate the cucumbers I'd laid on their eyes. As soon as their faces were buffed and scrubbed, they devoured an entire pan of brownies in less than five minutes. I knew right then it was going to be a late night. I was right. I heard giggles only chocolate highs can induce until well after 2am, only to resume around 6am. When they finally left around 3pm, I promised their parents they would be asleep early that night. My soft-skinned, nailpolished beauties were down for the count by 8, followed shortly thereafter by me.
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