Monday, May 25, 2009

Spacious Three Bedroom Ranch For Sale

Yep, it's up for sale. Not sure how we pulled it off so quickly, but we did. There's definitely a ton of stuff left to do and if folks looking at it judge the house by my closets then this place will never sell. I'm taking it one section at a time, not even one room as that is too overwhelming. Saturday, I worked on just the girls' bookshelf, which was filled with toys and treasures. From there, I took on the laundry room, where small items have been known to vanish from existence. Last week, I had given my mom a ton of wrapping paper and bags. Her collection is about to grow as I uncovered an entirely new stash behind a cabinet. It was like clowns coming out of car, the bags just kept appearing.
I'm also preparing for a garage sale (June 6, BTW). This is a monumental task. What goes to China, what is fit to sell, and what is headed for the dump has consumed my days. I spent four hours yesterday going through photos, artwork, report cards, greeting cards, hospital bills, school programs and awards. Evidently, I hadn't tossed any of that stuff out over the course of fourteen years of marriage. I told Larry I had enough photos and scrapbook stuff to keep me busy way beyond the three years we're slated to be over there.
So, if you know anybody looking for a lovely little home with big yard send them my way. Motivated seller!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Wish Fulfilled

This past Sunday, I had one of the proudest "Mom" moments to date. Katie and I sang together at church. A couple of months ago, I reluctantly agreed to sing, but boy, am I glad I did.
Emotions were already running rampant with the news of our impending move. Mom and Dad came up to celebrate Mother's Day (and do a little home improvement work). My anxiety level level was high and add to that the fulfillment of a wish; I was a train wreck waiting to happen. Thankfully, my daughter took charge and made the moment extraordinary.
We'd been practicing the past couple of weeks, and honestly, I was a bit worried about some of the notes Katie was supposed to sing. I would sing along with her until she matched the pitch and we'd continue. But Sunday, she was amazing. Our time came to perform and perform she did! She marched up there with purpose, smiled beautifully while she sang, and hit every note right on key. I had decided that I would have to look at her because if I caught the eye of Larry, Mom or Dad I would be doomed. My heart literally cracked with pride as I watched and listened to her. I looked out into the congregation and people were dabbing their eyes and smiling. Then I saw Sydney and Sarah staring up at their big sister with hugh smiles on their faces. I'd forgotten to take into account the effect that might have on me. I lost it. We were on the last few notes when the tears came. Even though I stopped after 2 beats, Katie carried the last note to the end. I couldn't help myself from hugging her while we stood up there...relishing in a dream come true.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Could This Really Be Happening?

I haven't written much as life with the Whitfield girls has been more hectic than normal. Church plays, friends' birthdays and baby showers, golf lessons, and mediation over the constant bickering has kept me busy this past week. There is however, news...BIG news. See that picture to the right? That is the building where Sulzer Pumps has its Shanghai office (on the 21st floor).

Well, Larry received a contract offer this morning...I mean we knew it was distinct possibility, but to see it in writing makes it so much more real. We've been waiting for two weeks and, frankly, our nerves are shot. Both of us have been up front with folks about this move, to our detriment probably. Because now, wherever we go we are asked when, where, how and why. Our pat answer of "we don't have a contract" no longer is true. So tonight, Larry & I (and the solicited help from Mom and Dad) will be crunching numbers and looking at calendars. A big decision is looming...not looming..that's not the right word. It's kind of a no-brainer, but little details are coming to the forefront. Will keep you posted....