Martin, Larry's boss, invited us to spend the day in the big city of 18 million. We met his family and him at a popular restaurant across the street from Dulwich College Shanghai. The Sollars and another of Larry's co-workers, Bantu, joined the fun. We ate a nice lunch and then headed to the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum. Martin has two sons, who were sweet and polite. They had been to the museum before and knew all the popular exhibits. Katie, of course, followed them. We took the twins to another section. This place was huge and we didn't get to see it all before it closed, but we did get to see a 4-D movie, starring US actors, dubbed with Chinese. 

We also went to a "fake market" or "silk market", whichever you prefer. We were on a mission to find more Nintendo DS games and movies. We found both...really cheap. I really wanted to take a picture but that was frowned upon. The picture of Katie is taken out in front of the market. The place just went on and on, all of it underground. There had to have been 500 tailors, just waiting to make anything from a men's dress shirt to a wedding dress to a child's rain coat. I watched in awe again as Larry haggled with the vendors. We were
going to stay for dinner but a lost phone put a damper on the evening. However, my opinion of Shanghai changed, so it was worth it.

Cool, cool, cool! Wow- this whole thing sounds like such an awesome experience!