As the plates were brought out and placed in front of us I worried that the girls were going to start gagging or make some other unpleasant faces. Little fish, "bird" (WHOLE bird, which you can clearly see if you click on the picture of the meal below...when we went outside, Eric pointed to a beautiful little egret and said "bird we ate!" ACKKKK!!!), hard-boiled duck eggs, "meat", and vegetables made up the first course. A large white fish, complete with head intact and whole catfish made up the next course. It is said that the one who eats the tail manages boats well; the one who eats the body is a good swimmer, and the one who eats the head is smart. We watched with mouths agape as Grace ate the head. She popped that eyeball right out and chomped down on it. It was all I could do to keep from barfing right there. The girls remained pretty cool, but I guess it could have been shock. The final course was crab.

The second part of our adventure was a boat ride. This was no pontoon ride on Keowee, but rather a jaunt with a local fisherman on his...vessel. These type of adventures can never be planned ahead, we just kind of stumbled upon it with the help of Eric's friend, Joe. He set

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