Sarah and Sydney's class went on a field trip today to a place called Wee World. It is located in Times Square near our home so we've seen it many times, but it never seemed to be open when we were all together. At first glance, it looks like a grander McDonalds playground with
supervision. Come to find out, it's exactly as its name professes - a wee world. There are restaurants, hospital, hotel, department stores, airport with plane, gas station, and dozens more. A miniature city with money, passports and business cards for the children. It is set up for groups of ten children. These groups are given a profession to learn about and then they are given a wage for their work. They spend about 45 minutes and it's my understanding you can prepurchase up to half a dozen professions for your child to "try out"...hahahaha. I thought that was so funny.
"Honey, what do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor? Well, here, let's go to that room and see if it's right for you." I was being kind of my sarcastic self, but managed to do it quietly, while some of the other "mums" were jealous their child didn't get to fly a plane or deliver a baby. Since there were close to 150 kids, the professions were chosen for them and they were placed in groups prior to leaving the school. I met the cherubs there and we were ushered into the first job. They entered a laboratory and had to put on lab coats. Their experiment consisted of mixing vinegar and baking soda to make a balloon blow up. All were successful. They really looked like little
scientists. I could handle a future scientist and Sarah and Sydney really enjoyed "mixing potions". All hope, however, vanished when we were taken to the next place of employment.
As we neared, the twins' eyes started to glaze over in anticipation. I'm quite sure they didn't even hear the instructor telling them what they needed to do. Autopilot had been switched on, and they geared up for the profession they were born to excel. Layed out before them was a life-sized catwalk, flashing lights and pounding music. Clothes, wigs and accessories beckoned to them and they
answered the call. The other children were shy when they first started so Sydney and Sarah took it upon themselves to train the
beginners. To say the other mothers, teachers and kids were speechless would have been putting it mildly. Shocked silence eventually changed over to uneasy admiration and whistling, cheering laugher. By the end of the "show" the entire catwalk was surrounded with fans and all of the models were striking a pose of which even Tyra would have been proud. decide.
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